How does it work?

Our CSA differs from most others because we will not be deciding what the shareholder will be receiving each week. Each shareholder will receive a card that is good for 10 weeks worth of fruit and vegetables. They will then be able to shop at our home farm stand, or at one of our many farmer’s markets we visit throughout the week. (At some of our farm markets, we only sell fruit. Please check below for availability). Each box/share will be worth $23 dollars.

Red and Green Peppers
baskets filled with peaches


$200 for 10 shares worth $23 each

  • Each share will be worth $23 each for 10 weeks.
  • Each share must be used in full. Change will not be given.
  • In the event that a shareholder cannot make it to a market, their share may be redeemed during another week.
  • Multiple shares may be used at once.
  • Shareholders may have others use their voucher, but whoever uses it must give the original shareholder’s name when doing so.
  • Shares may not be redeemed during our honor system hours. (Please see our hours of operation)


June 14th-August 24th (Shareholders at our traveling farmer’s markets may use shares until their market ends.)

Fruits & Vegetables Offered

FYI- For some people who are new to CSA, or farming in general, fruit and vegetables are NOT all ready at the same time. We are mainly a fruit farm, but we offer a select variety of vegetables listed below. We will be posting on our social media what we will have each week.


Fruit– Raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, melons, apricots, apples and pears.


Vegetables– Corn, tomatoes, peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, winter squash, lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, kale, and more! (Our vegetable selection will vary due to time of planting and growing period. Vegetables with a longer growing period, such as tomatoes, corn, eggplant, and winter squash, will only be available to our local customers toward the end of the program.)

Assorted onions
Fresh Strawberries

Our Markets

Home Market– Thursday and  Friday 12-6 & weekends 9-3 (June 14th- August 24th) We will also be open Monday through Wednesday for self serve using the honor system. CSA SHARES CAN NOT BE USED DURING THESE DAYS.
Narrowsburg, NY– Saturdays June-October (Fruit and vegetables)
Callicoon, NY– Sundays June-October (Fruit and vegetables)
Rock Hill, NY– Saturdays June-September (Fruit and vegetables)
Goshen, NY– Fridays July-September (Fruit)

Pawling, NY– Saturdays June-September (Fruit)

Eastdale, NY-Sundays TBD


Shared Risk

Our goal is to provide members with a variety of options with our produce each week. The variety of produce, however, may vary from week-to-week due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining the Trapani Farms’ CSA, members agree to share the risk of crop failure with the farm. Despite the possibility of lacking variety, all of our members will always receive the full value of their shares over the course of the season.

Gourds and butternut squash

For questions regarding our CSA program, please call or email:



Helpful tip from the farmers

*Freeze as much as you can! Certain fruits and vegetables are only available for a short period of time. Freezing them is the best way to have delicious local produce well into the fall and winter months.

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